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How Spare made a historic change in Austin, Texas

CapMetro's Launch of Spare’s ADA Paratransit Solution in Austin: Month One

We ended up selecting Spare out of the group of all of the successful bidders because of the algorithms, the way it was a really intuitive and accessible interface, the ease of implementation and the security of the back end of the system.

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Skip navigation Products Solutions Why Spare Company Resources Sign In Get in touch Resources Customer Stories Efficiency in Motion: CATA's Microtransit Solution for Titusville Residents CATA GO LOGO 89.3% On-Time Performance 97.7% Rider Satisfaction n/a Ridership Growth Since Launch Open quotation marks Our overall transit network has vastly improved. I was down at the Walmart in Titusville and I saw one of our vehicles come in with a couple passengers; I spoke with one of the passengers and she was raving about how great it was and how much it's improving her ability just to get around town so she can access her physical therapy appointment, so it's vastly improved our network. Our experience with Spare has been very positive, I would say that when we were vetting the proposals for the software we identified Spare as a Partner that wanted to work with us. There's a number of companies that are doing on demand microtransit, But there's not that many that are trying to pursue a true rural market. And we felt that Spare had a very good platform, had a very easy user app experience, and they just demonstrated to us that they wanted to work with a rural community. And that was definitely something that we’re excited about. Tim Geibel Tim Geibel Executive Director, Crawford Area Transportation Authority Set up an entire on-demand bus operation in seconds Set up an entire on-demand bus operation in seconds lorem bus ipsum ticket is placeholder text for taking trips from one place to another behold the future of transit Learn more Partner Crawford Area Transportation Authority (CATA) Location Titusville, PA, USA Service Type Crawford Area Transportation Authority (CATA) Use Cases Option 1 Products Used Text Link Text Link Download Crawford Area Transportation Authority (CATA) Case Study Cata Go 5,000th Rider Celebration Cata Go 5,000th Rider Celebration ‍ Goal Replacing underperforming fixed route and costly paratransit service with a community centered microtransit service. ‍ Overview Titusville, known as the birthplace of the American oil industry, is a small, rural city within Crawford County and is home to just over five thousand residents. Crawford Area Transportation Authority (CATA) provides public transportation services in both Crawford and Venango counties in Pennsylvania, catering to a ridership composed of 22% seniors. CATA operates fixed route services in a large number of communities while also offering door-to-door paratransit services across both counties. Prior to working with Spare, CATA operated a long standing fixed route service in the City of Titusville, using a single bus that provided an hourly headway service for 10 hours a day throughout two thirds of the city. The fixed route service was not meeting the needs of the community and proved to be inefficient means of transportation for the residents because they were left waiting for at least an hour if they missed the bus. CATA sought to replace this service with a microtransit offering that would better meet the needs of the community while making more efficient use of the agency’s resources. ‍ Challenges Outdated existing service: The community’s fixed route service was underperforming and hadn’t been adjusted in 10 to 12 years to reflect the changing community demographics and their needs. Low ridership due to lack of frequency: the fixed route system was inconvenient for riders as it operated on an hourly basis, leading to high wait times and diminishing ridership. Increasing paratransit costs: Paratransit costs continue to rise as the agency hasn’t yet bounced back from the paratransit ridership lost during the pandemic. Other factors like a lack of dedicated grants and inflation also exasperated the financial strain on the agency. ‍ Solution Shifting fixed route operations to microtransit with Spare: CATA replaced its fixed route service in Titusville by launching a microtransit service, CATA GO, in its place. The CATA GO service runs Monday through Friday and riders are able to schedule trips on demand rather than having to wait sometimes up to an hour at the bus stop. Riders can schedule rides either by calling in, or through the CATA GO app. The agency also retained the model of pick-ups and drop offs at bus stops. Maximizing resources through data-driven decisions: With the ability to now analyze data through the Spare Platform, CATA was able to more efficiently reallocate hours and driver resources to expand service without adding additional vehicles to the fleet. Because of this, CATA Go expanded to include service offerings until 7:30PM Monday - Friday with the addition of 5 hours of service on Saturdays, two services that were previously discontinued. Supplementing paratransit route with accessible microtransit: To address soaring paratransit costs, CATA discontinued paratransit in the agency’s microtransit zone. The CATA GO microtransit service operates with three ADA accessible vans and is actively working with the twenty members of the community that use paratransit to educate them on the benefits of using the ADA accessible microtransit service. In addition, the Pennsylvania Lottery funds transportation for seniors over the age of 65. This renders the microtransit service free for these individuals, allowing them to save the $3.00 roundtrip fare of riding the paratransit service. Shifting to accessible microtransit in these zones is mutually beneficial as it comes at a lower operating cost for the agency and is free for riders. ‍ Results Increased rider convenience: With the shift to microtransit, riders that were left waiting upwards of an hour for a fixed route bus now face wait times of less than six minutes. Rebounded ridership: CATA Go’s ridership surpassed fixed route levels and is currently operating at over 70% trip increase from prior services. Effective use of resources: Using the rider data available to them, CATA pinpointed rider trends to determine how to maximize vehicle hours and driver resources to increase service coverage, without needing to add additional vehicles to the fleet. Community Impact: Independent community hospitals, like the Titusville Area Hospital, are at risk of closing or getting absorbed by larger hospitals and it was extremely important to the community of Titusville to keep their hospital. CATA worked with the hospital to ensure that the bus stops were placed near clinics, pharmacies and in the general hospital area to promote healthy living and give the residents of Titusville better access to healthcare services. ‍ “The collaboration with Spare is reimagining how we serve our ADA paratransit riders. We're proud that this innovation will address the current and future requirements of Austin's paratransit community, laying the groundwork for further enhancements." CapMetro logo —Bonnie Epstein, Director of Mobility Services at PSTA “Our partnership with Spare has boosted operational metrics like on-time performance by 20% since we switched over from our legacy system while ridership has skyrocketed. The ability to access real-time data on our KPI dashboard, and derive meaningful insights has been game changing for making operational decisions." citibus logo — Chris Mandrell, General Manager at Citibus Ready to learn more about Spare? First Name* Last Name* Email Address* Demand-Response Fleet* Select one... By entering your email, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and to receive emails from Spare. You may opt-out at any time. Get the latest on what's new at Spare and the transportation industry. Enter your email Subscribe By entering your email, you agree to receive emails from Spare. PRODUCT Launch Engage AI Voice GTFS Flex Builder Rider Driver Open Fleets Call Center Engine SOLUTIONS Spare for paratransit Spare for microtransit All use cases WHY SPARE Proven Customer Success Approach Open ecosystem approach Innovation COMPANY Mission Transit Advisory Board Working At Spare Open Positions Partner with Us Our Partners RESOURCES Blog News eBooks Webinars Customer stories Rider Stories CONNECT Tradeshows Contact us Privacy Terms of Use Cookies © 2024 Spare Labs Inc Spare logo CapMetro's Launch of Spare’s ADA Paratransit Solution in Austin: Month One capmetro-month-one CAP METRO >92% n/a n/a CapMetro Austin,Texas Austin,Texas n/a Cap Metro CapMetro Access and Spare revolutionize Austin's ADA paratransit, enhancing on-time pickups and rider autonomy for a modernized transit experience. Goal Replacing manual processes, and outdated technology with a modern paratransit platform while meeting evolving ADA requirements. By the numbers Number of Boardings (Month One)47,551 Average # Monthly Trips per Rider18.45 On-time performance (Month One)>92% Daily Maximum Active Vehicles108 Overview Austin, Texas is famed for its vibrant music scene and spirit of innovation, consistently pushing for both cultural and social advancement. Of Austin’s population of over a million inhabitants, roughly 10% have a disability. While Austin's bus and rail systems are 100% accessible, not every person with a disability can utilize these services all the time. That's where Austin’s ADA paratransit service, CapMetro Access, steps in, providing transportation for those who, due to specific conditions or disabilities, cannot access the regular bus or rail system. Access is a crucial element of Austin’s public transportation. The program serves as a lifeline for those with disabilities, offering transport to essential services, friends, and family, allowing for these individuals to gain independence and agency throughout each trip. Access operates almost 24/7 throughout the year, mirroring the main transit services and ensuring that whenever a bus is in operation, the ADA paratransit service is also available. Eligibility for the program is based on specific federal requirements, ensuring it provides services to the people who need them most. Challenges Evolution of ADA interpretations: Despite its critical role, ADA paratransit is not without its challenges. The ADA has been in place for decades, and while the laws remain constant, interpretations have steadily evolved. The recent evolution of technology has introduced both opportunities and constraints in the quest to improve services for people with disabilities. Predominantly manual dispatching, scheduling, and routing: Without real-time optimization, dispatchers were burdened with identifying and then manually reassigning trips to find suitable slots in the event of road issues. This manual system often led to inefficiencies, as trips weren't always identified quickly enough and subsequently not allocated to the most effective slots. An existing system that had been in place for more than 20 years with minimal modernization: Recognizing that the existing system that had been in place for over 20 years was no longer meeting their needs, Chad Ballentine, CapMetro’s VP of Demand Response and Innovative Mobility, decided it was time for a change. Solution A thorough competitive procurement process was initiated to find the best software to replace the legacy paratransit system. “We ended up selecting Spare out of the group of all of the successful bidders because of the algorithms, the way it was a really intuitive and accessible interface, the ease of implementation and the security of the back end of the system.” Chad Ballentine Chad BallentineVP of Demand Response and Innovative Mobility, CapMetro CapMetro wanted a cloud-based solution to take advantage of regular feature updates. In the past, Access staff had to heavily modify the old system and use workarounds to fit their needs. However, during system upgrades, sometimes configurations were lost, forcing them to reapply their customizations. With Spare, software updates are frequent and all data is securely retained without any loss. The components of the Spare solution that CapMetro implemented include: Digital Eligibility: CapMetro introduced Spare Engage which automates the process for applying for the ADA paratransit service. The process includes digital application submission, professional verification, review and notification, and an appeals process. Seamless communication from administrators ensures applicants are informed every step of the way. Once an applicant is confirmed eligible, a unique profile is set up for them within Spare Platform. This allows riders to easily book rides via the app, website, or a simple phone call, and receive notifications about their upcoming trips. ADA-Compliant Service Configuration: Together CapMetro and Spare configured the service based on Access service requirements, including staying within ADA-mandated pick-up windows. CapMetro was able to import service zone files from the previous system to ease the transition to Spare. Real-time Optimization: Spare Platform introduced an intelligent routing algorithm that not only improved on-time performance but also ensured that trip productivity wasn’t compromised. Contrary to the expected drop in productivity with increased punctuality, the new system maintains optimal output. Automated Dispatch, Manual Intervention: With Spare in place, dispatching trips has become much more streamlined. Instead of having to dispatch trips manually, the software optimizes routes in real-time, removing inefficiencies that have drivers zig-zagging across town, leading to delays. With dispatch automated, Access dispatchers now focus on getting ahead of potential issues. With Spare’s Mission Control and Live Map, they can easily scan, or be alerted to any issues in the system. Streamlined Booking through an App (available in December 2023) The introduction of a customer app will mark a notable advancement in the service. The app will allow riders to book their trip, notify them when the vehicle is two minutes out, and have full visibility throughout their trip, effectively reducing last-minute cancellations and no-shows. It will also keep them informed with trip reminders and alerts about any alterations in pickup schedules. With payment and identification in the app, riders will be able to board hands-free. Results CapMetro went live with Spare Platform on October 1, 2023. Since then, on-time pickups surpassed the original OTP goal of 92% for the first time in 18 months. With the previous system’s OTP at 88%, the improvement is a testament to system efficiency and is crucial in ensuring riders reach their destinations as scheduled. Thanks to the user-friendly nature of Spare Platform, riders, reservationists, dispatchers, and drivers have easily adopted the system. “Spare provided us with a really unique product that is intuitive," explained Ballentine. "We wanted to make sure that everyone, whether they were riders with disabilities or our internal operations staff, could easily use the software.” Dispatcher Experience: With Spare, dispatchers have complete visibility and control over the dispatch system. Spare Platform notifies them when there are potential issues, allowing them to “override” the system to resolve issues proactively. On the flip side, Spare’s real-time routing and optimization engine automatically re-shuffles trip requests throughout the day, giving dispatchers their time back to respond to on-the-ground changes or emergencies. Rider Experience: The introduction of the app fostered rider independence, allowing users to easily book, cancel, or check on the ETA of their rides, as an additional option to calling in. eliminating the previous requirement of phone calls. By offering riders an increased level of information and the autonomy to manage their journeys, the app significantly enhanced their overall experience and quality of life. Driver Experience: The new system significantly reduces the pressure on drivers. Before Spare, drivers were confined to strict pickup windows that relied on their intuition of when they needed to arrive to pick up a rider, often leading to rushed driving to meet schedules. The Spare Driver app, however, regulates their pace with turn-by-turn guidance of the next scheduled pick up which helps maintain punctuality without rushing and relieves stress for drivers. The app goes one step further by advising additional stops when drivers are ahead of schedule to keep the manifest and subsequent pickups on time. Management Experience: The new system provides leaders with remote access to monitor Access operations allowing them to be physically closer to operations and not behind a desk. Partners in CapMetro's Success Transitioning to Spare from a system that had been in use for over 20 years was an all-hands-on-deck affair. Long before the launch date, CapMetro and Spare worked closely to define a training plan for the 500+ CapMetro staff. The training plan was put into action weeks before launch. The week before launch, Spare’s leadership and the product implementation teams were on-site, ensuring the system's efficient integration and functioning. “We had the leadership of Spare, founders of Spare as well as their senior development team, here with us. Nobody was spared. Everyone came here and they worked on the system with us side by side pre-launch, leading up to the launch and then following through. They were with us in the mornings at 3 a.m. all the way till the evening, until we were all comfortable with how it was performing, and it didn't take very long for that. It's been really easy and really kind of fun to implement.” Chad Ballentine Chad BallentineVP of Demand Response and Innovative Mobility, CapMetro For CapMetro, the decision to integrate Spare was a bold move, but in line with Austin's innovative spirit. The success of this venture offers hope and a roadmap for others to modernize and enhance their systems for the betterment of both staff and riders. “It was a leap," Ballentine shares. "We were a little nervous at the time, but it's Austin, that's what we do. We took the leap and it worked very, very well. We’re hopeful that others can take that leap behind us. It'll be a lot less scary for them now that it’s proven that it’s possible to switch out the system you’ve had forever and go with something that’s going to really move your service forward.” ‍ Only ONE should be "On" Only ONE should be "On" Needed for Filtering on the "Resources" page.

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We’ve never had all departments agree that something is working before—until Spare. It’s always been a challenge to get buy-in from everyone, but with this new system, drivers, call takers, and management are all on board. The collaboration with Spare has been amazing, and we’re seeing the results every day.

Stacy Forte
Director of Administration and Compliance, GATRA

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